【英語世界】「容器」收納情緒 更可象徵勇氣
現在提倡減廢走塑,膠樽plastic bottles是一大問題,bottle是用來裝載液體的瓶子或樽,以玻璃、塑膠或金屬製造。其實bottle除了是名詞,指容器,亦可以是動詞,即是把一些物品裝瓶或入樽,例如bottle the wine(把酒裝瓶)或者bottle the fruit to make jam(把水果裝入瓶子內製果醬)。
放入樽內收起或封鎖的也許不只是實物,亦可以是抽象的情緒或情感,bottle up的意思就是把一些不安、憤怒、擔憂等強烈情緒掩飾、隱藏、壓抑,不表現出來。另外亦有bottle away,是把物品放入瓶內貯存起來,如果把情感或想法貯存,意思就跟 bottle up 差不多,是把感覺埋藏,不公開表達情緒。
You don't have to bottle up your emotions. Just be yourself.
They have been bottling up their anger. Someday it will flood out.
His parents don't understand him. He seldom talks about his problems and often bottles away his thoughts.
很多時同一個英文字可以有不同的解釋,bottle是其中之一,bottle除了是瓶子之外,亦可以解作勇氣、膽量,no bottle是無膽識、差勁的意思,口語、俗語特別多見。以前已有英文俚語no bottle, no good(無膽則無用),就是說要勇敢、大膽。跟這個意思有關的短語有lose one's bottle,形容某人失去了信心意志,沒有把事情做好,無勇氣,決定放棄。
Training to be a ballerina is really tough. I don't think she has the bottle to join.
She definitely has a lot of bottle, going to court to fight for her daughter.
He had wanted to tell the boss his opinion but he lost his bottle in the end.
把bottle用作動詞亦有相似的意思,說bottle out,也是說沒有信心勇氣,臨陣退縮,想做但沒有去做。再簡單口語化一點,可以說bottle it,一樣表示害怕起來,最後決定放棄原本的計劃。
He bottled out in the last minute and withdrew from the competition.
He was about to give up his plan of running the marathon, but his friends told him not to bottle out.
You have worked hard for the project for so long. Why bottle it?
澳洲亦是英語國家,澳洲英語有時別具特色,有不少的地道俚語,full bottle是其中之一,可能是因為英文俚語no bottle, no good,澳洲人會稱專家或有學識的人為the full bottle,表示很好、學識很全面,又會用not the full bottle批評一些人不夠好、見識淺薄。
You can trust him because he is the full bottle in this field.
To many people, he is not the full bottle and therefore he is not a popular candidate in the election.
日常生活中,bottle多指容器、瓶或樽,有些時候,較地道的俚語中,bottle 亦可以是勇氣或有能人士,用作動詞時 bottle up、bottle away、bottle out意思就有所不同了。
◆ Lina CHU [ linachu88@gmail.com ]