【社評雙語道】升級服務設施 建設盛事之都

Upgrading service facilities to build an "Events Capital"
【譯文】Mainland singer Hua Chenyu held a three-day concert at the Central Waterfront in Hong Kong, attracting a large number of fans. Hong Kong has long been an important base for Chinese-language music creation, as well as an important stepping stone for overseas bands and singers to explore the Eastern market, and numerous classic concerts have been held in Hong Kong. These concerts not only satisfy local fans' wishes to meet their idols, but also attract tourists from all over the world to Hong Kong, thereby boosting consumption. The Government and the industry are working together to upgrade the hardware and software, so that more and better concerts can be held in Hong Kong, thereby highlighting the value of the cultural and creative industries and enhancing the reputation of Hong Kong as an "Events Capital".
The music of Hong Kong has been blooming with stars, and the Hong Kong Coliseum has left the footprints of many superstar singers. Hong Kong has high-quality concert venues, experienced and creative planning teams, influential mass media, and audiences who appreciate music. If concert activities can be upgraded from general commercial entertainment activities to the level of economic strategy, and linked with other cultural and tourism-related economic activities, it will generate an economic force that cannot be ignored.
However, the successful organisation of concerts in Hong Kong involves a variety of hardware and software support, and Hong Kong needs to constantly consolidate and upgrade to keep up with the times.
The first is to provide more choices of venues for concerts. Like sports activities, the number of performance venues in Hong Kong has reached saturation, which has become a major obstacle to the development of the "concert economy". Many musicians lament that it is now very difficult to secure venues for their performances. Moreover, as mega concerts with a capacity of tens of thousands of people are popular among world-class singers nowadays, there are not many performance venues of similar scale in Hong Kong, which may not necessarily meet their expectations. To promote "Culture+" and build an "Events Capital" and a "Centre for Chinese and Foreign Cultural and Artistic Exchange", the development of more and newer performance venues to attract stars and singers should be included in the Government's priority agenda.
The second is to promote the linkage between concerts and the business community. With the convenience of personnel exchanges between the two places, starting from 27 May, the number of cities where people can travel to Hong Kong through individual tours will increase to 59. Fans coming to Hong Kong for a "pilgrimage" to watch concerts can become a selling point for Hong Kong tourism.
Many cities provide transportation, catering, tourist attractions, etc. by hosting large-scale concerts in their cities, showing that concerts can generate many marginal benefits. In the policy of promoting the concert economy, it is important to promote the desire of the local business community to increase sponsorship, launch discounts, and create more diversified economic benefits beyond the box office, benefiting the organisers and local service industry.
The third is to improve the experience and focus on the needs of fans. In recent years, the online ticketing system for large-scale performances has often been "jammed", causing public dissatisfaction. The New Year fireworks show at Victoria Harbour once caused congestion at the border control points, and travellers were stranded overnight. The extreme weather often encountered in Hong Kong in summer leads to the cancellation of performances and disappointment of audiences, which has happened frequently in the past. Some members of the industry regard it as "common practice", and just refunded or rescheduled their tickets without making special improvement arrangements. Hong Kong needs to face up to these problems, improve various detailed arrangements, accumulate experience, and even in the face of unexpected situations, try to make the best arrangements for the audience and demonstrate a high level of service.
Whether it is a concert held by local singers or invited foreign singers, it can add a lot of vibrant colours to life in Hong Kong. Creating a comprehensive market chain can bring out the greater potential of the concert economy, shape a good international image of Hong Kong, and promote Hong Kong's cultural "outbound" activities.
◆ Tiffany