【貼地英文】九人佔了十一州 一家三口四片地



  Virginia was named to honour England Queen Elizabeth I. She was aka "The Virgin Queen" ,維珍尼亞的是為了紀念英國女王伊莉莎白一世來命名,她有一個外號為「童貞女王」。

  西維珍尼亞(West Virginia)

  West Virginia have been very an unhappy minority in Virginia. The Civil War provided him a golden opportunity to split from the Virginia and became a separate state ,因為是少數派,西維珍尼亞一直也無奈。美國內戰為他提供了一個從維珍尼亞分州的黃金機會。


  An explorer named a river as the Delaware River after the first Virginia Governor Thomas West, Lord De La Warr. Then Delaware took its name from the river。一位探險家以第一任維珍尼亞首任總督湯馬斯·韋斯·特拉華勳爵(Thomas West, Lord De La Warr)來作一條河之名,叫特拉華河,後來河名又成為特拉華的地方名。


  Maryland was named to honour the Catholic Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of England's King Charles I. The colony was designated as a safe harbour for Catholics fleeing from England。馬利蘭的命名是為了紀念信奉天主的亨麗埃塔·瑪麗亞王后,她是英國國王查理一世的妻子,這殖民地是專為逃離英國的天主教徒而設的安全港。

  紐約(New York)

  Duke of York was granted the land with a great harbour New York. It was "New" because there was an "old" York back in England "。約克公爵被授予一片連有宏大港口之地叫紐約, 它是「新」的,因為英格蘭早有一個「老約克郡」。


  Pennsylvania was a compound for "Penn" and "Sylvania" Penn was named after senior William Penn. The "sylvania" is a Latin suffix for forest.賓夕凡尼亞是把「Penn」和「Sylvania」複合而成的詞。「Penn」是senior William Penn (老威廉·佩恩)的姓,「sylvania」是拉丁文的森林。


  Carolina was to honour the colony granter King Charles II of England. 卡羅萊納州是為了紀念授讓殖民地的英國國王查理二世。

  南、北卡羅萊納州(South and North Carolina)

  The Government in the north of Carolina is too far to serve the south of Carolina. Eventually, they went separately and created the South and the North Carolina 。卡羅萊納北部的政府距離卡羅萊納南部太遠,無法照顧南部居民。 最終,他們分別建立了南北卡羅萊納。


  A French explorer named the land La Louisiane after King Louis XIV of France. This French King was also called the Sun King。一位法國探險家以法國國王路易十四的名字命名了這片叫La Louisiane的土地, 這位法王更有太陽王的美名。


  Georgia colony was named after the granter. That's King George II 。喬治亞殖民地是以授讓人為名,這授讓人正是英王喬治二世。

  華盛頓州(Washington)及華盛頓哥倫比亞特區(Washington, the District of Columbia)

  Washington State is to commemorate the first US President George Washington. Washington, DC as a federal city was built to honour George Washington. The formal name for DC is the District of Columbia 。



  ◆康源 專業英語導師