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◆雲南「白衣天使」萬鑫捐獻造血幹細胞救助香港患者。 資料圖片
◆雲南「白衣天使」萬鑫捐獻造血幹細胞救助香港患者。 資料圖片








  Yunnan Angel in White Donates hematopoietic stem cells to Save Hong Kong patients

  【譯文】On April 19, a bag of hematopoietic stem cells donated by a volunteer from Yunnan was sent to Hong Kong by plane. Wan Xin, who had completed the donation the day before, was still immersed in the excitement and thrill of the successful matching and smooth completion of the donation, and said to a reporter , "It must be fate for us to have a successful matching thousands of miles apart, and I hope that my blood stem cells can help this Hong Kong compatriot get well soon. " Wan Xin is a nurse in a township health center in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, as early as 14 years ago, she became a volunteer hematopoietic stem cell donor, and this case is the first successful case of stem cell donation to a Hong Kong patient in Yunnan Province.

  It is understood that hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is currently one of the most effective means of treating leukemia and other blood diseases. However, finding a suitable stem cell donor is a difficult task. In non-related people, the success rate of matching is often as low as one in a million to one in a hundred thousand. Therefore, every successful match and donation is especially valuable.

  Wan Xin first joined the bank because she was a medical student, and her sense of mission to save lives and help others made her feel that this was what she should do, so she and her classmates filled out an application to join the bone marrow bank. "I also knew that the chances of a successful match were very low, so I didn't think much about it afterward," Wan Xin said. Wan Xin said that she rarely mentioned this matter in her work and life until December 5, 2023, when she received a phone call informing her of the match.

  Speaking of the day she received a phone call informing her of the successful match, Wan Xin remembers very clearly, "Yes, that was the day, I was so excited that I probably won't forget this day for the rest of my life. On the phone, the staff asked her if she was still willing to donate stem cells, and Wan Xin only repeated two words, "yes, yes! But the staff told her to go home and talk to her family.

  After receiving her family's support, everything was prepared for the successful completion of the donation. Wan Xin said that after the initial match was successful, she underwent a high-resolution match, which was also fortunately successful. She then underwent a comprehensive physical examination and was "very happy that everything met the requirements. "Wan Xin said that she had only one thing on her mind: to complete the donation as soon as possible to bring hope to the patients. "There was a delay in the physical examination, and I was particularly anxious about the delay.

  Since the affirmation of "yes", Wan Xin immediately felt responsible, "I must maintain my health to ensure that the whole process is smooth!" From that day on, she began to drink a glass of milk for breakfast and a glass of milk at night, replacing her original recipes with a light and nutritious diet. She also made it mandatory for her to go to bed by 11:00 p.m. every day, as she loved to stay up late and work overtime. "I think there are changes in my body, the most obvious is that I have gained 4 kilograms, and I have never been sick in 4 months".

  On April 18th, after making all the preparations, Wan Xin lay on the hospital donation bed. "I'm not too nervous, and it looks almost like I'm donating blood," he said. On that day, he was accompanied by doctors and nurses, as well as his own brother, "Everyone encouraged me, talked to me, and everyone took care of me." Wan Xin said that the donation process took about 4 hours. Feeling the blood flowing out of his body, separated from the stem cells and then flowing back into his body, she did not feel uncomfortable or scared, thinking that his compatriots in Hong Kong would soon be able to use their own stem cells to meet the hope of life, and she only felt that as a medical worker, this is what she should do.

  ◆ 琬琰