【社評雙語道】改善「散工」福利 保障僱員權益

◆ 外賣員等自僱人士難以得到僱員權益保障。 資料圖片
◆ 外賣員等自僱人士難以得到僱員權益保障。 資料圖片








  Improve benefits of "casual workers" to protect employees' rights and interests

  【譯文】The Labour Advisory Board reached a consensus on 1 February 2024 on the review of the "continuous contract" requirement under the "Employment Ordinance" (commonly known as the "418" requirement), which was relaxed such that a person who has worked a total of 68 hours in four weeks would be regarded as being employed under a "continuous contract" and would be entitled to a range of employment benefits. The amendment will help enhance the protection of the rights of "casual workers" with shorter working hours. The Government should expeditiously commence the relevant legislative amendment and strive for its implementation as soon as possible.

  At the same time, the Government should recognize that there is still much room for improvement in the protection of employees' rights and benefits in Hong Kong. There is a need to conduct a comprehensive review of the employee policy to keep up with the global pace of business that attaches greater importance to the protection of employees' rights and benefits, especially keeping the law abreast of the times by adapting to the development of new technologies. The business community should also see that harmonious labour relations are conducive to creating a favourable business environment and benefiting everyone.

  Under the existing requirement, an employee who has been employed continuously by the same employer for four weeks or more, with at least 18 hours of work each week, is regarded as being employed under a "continuous contract", and is entitled to a range of employment benefits, such as statutory holiday pay, paid annual leave and sickness allowance, etc. However, in the past, some employers deliberately arranged for their employees to work less than 18 hours in the fourth week in order to evade the provision of benefits, which was in fact taking advantage of the "loopholes in the law". The initiative was announced in 2023 Policy Address and the relaxed requirement of 68 hours in four weeks helps to enhance the protection of the rights and interests of employees with shorter working hours, a step forward in the protection of employees' rights and interests.

  However, it should be noted that there are still some weaknesses in the protection of employees' rights and benefits in Hong Kong, such as long working hours, short maternity leave and paternity leave, insufficient protection in overtime compensation and holiday compensation, and so on, and that Hong Kong's protection of employees is inadequate when compared with that in the Mainland and overseas regions. In fact, the Government has made significant strides in recent years, including breakthroughs in areas like the "offsetting" arrangement of the MPF. However, a more systematic and holistic consideration of policies is necessary to ensure the protection of employees' rights and benefits.

  The amendment of the "418" requirement was originally intended to better protect employees with shorter working hours. However, the "gig economy" has been developing rapidly in recent years, with increasingly complex and diverse forms. Regarding the statistics on self-employed persons, there were over 220,000 self-employed persons in Hong Kong in 2019 and more than 280,000 by 2021. The rights of employees in new forms of work, such as drivers of online ride-hailing services and riders of takeaway delivery, are still not protected. In addition, more and more enterprises are implementing "work from home" programmes and some employers have resorted to "false self-employment" to evade employee benefits.

  In fact, in response to the emerging economic model, legislation to protect the rights and benefits of "casual workers" has been amended in different parts of the world. In the Mainland, for example, enterprises have been required to take out social insurance for delivery riders in recent years. In the United States, New York City has expanded the coverage of the Black Car Operators' Injury Compensation Fund to entitle drivers of online hailing services to employee compensation insurance, accidental death benefits, vision coverage, and other medical benefits. In contrast, there is a need for Hong Kong to adopt a more forward-looking approach to keep pace with the progress of the overall economic model.

  Regarding the new amendment, some employer representatives have expressed their "reluctant acceptance", believing that the new requirement will have a greater impact on the catering, cleaning and construction industries, which employ more casual workers. This kind of thinking only sees the cost, not the benefits. This is particularly so now that emphasis is constantly being placed on upgrading the quality of the service industry in Hong Kong, and it is all the more necessary to improve the welfare benefits of employees and attract more talents to join the industry, for only in this way can the industry as a whole benefit. In recent years, the labour force in Hong Kong has been declining. The Government has introduced a number of measures to attract people from all walks of life to join the labour market, which is conducive to ameliorating the problem of a labour shortage.

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