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  Forest Walks, Tea Tasting, and Breathtaking Cloudscapes

  【譯文】Mt. Jingmai in Pu'er, Yunnan Province, is no stranger to tea lovers. With the inscription "Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er" on the World Heritage List, becoming the world's first tea-themed World Cultural Heritage site, the fame and popularity of Jingmai Mountain has soared. The "Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er" is located in Lahu Autonomous County of Lancang, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province. This landscape has undergone thousands of years of development, forming a unique cultural landscape of forest and tea symbiosis and harmony between people and the earth, and it is also a typical representative of the well-preserved artificially cultivated ancient tea forests.

  The Dapingzhang Ancient Tea Plantation is the best-preserved, oldest and largest artificially cultivated ancient tea plantation in the world, with a history of more than 1,800 years, and has been honoured as the "Museum of Tea Tree Nature". Entering from the entrance, you will be greeted by a rich forest atmosphere: towering trees and dense and deep forests, which may differ from the tea gardens you remember, making Jingmai Mountain unique.

  For thousands of years, the indigenous people here have never destroyed the forest but have kept most of the trees in the forest. As a result, a three-dimensional ecosystem has developed here: tall trees at the top, tea leaves for picking in the middle, and green grass below. The plants are interdependent, preserving the original ecological environment and forming the unique landscape of the ancient tea plantation.

  Suppose you come here in March or April or during the fall picking season. In that case, you will see local villagers of different ethnic groups picking tea leaves because another feature of Jingmai Mountain is that it is inhabited by the Brown and Dai ethnic groups, who have different ethnic cultures but all believe in the Tea Ancestor.

  There are also many ancient tea trees in the tea plantation that are over 500 or even a thousand years old. There is no admission fee for the tea plantation, so you can go into the mountains to look at the scenery. However, if the road into the hill is paved with asphalt, it will affect the quality of the tea leaves in the ancient tea plantation, so the existing road is the original pond stone road.

  Nine traditional thousand-year-old houses are also in the "Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er". From an aerial viewpoint, the wooden dwellings are hidden in the mountains and forests. In the daytime, they are swirling with smoke, emitting the smell of human fireworks that have lasted for thousands of years; at night, they are dotted with lights, blending with the stars in the sky, transforming them into the dwelling places of immortals who have fallen into the mortal world.

  Wengji Ancient Village is a thousand-year-old Brown village; it was built according to the Mangjing Mountain, surrounded by tea forests, preserving the traditional pattern and historical features of the Brown villages in Jingmai Mountain. All the buildings in the village are traditional houses in the dry lattice style, of which 49 are cultural relics. The cypress, linden, and banyan trees that line the village boundary and the temple are all called village protection trees by the villagers. The Buddhist temple, the village gate and the village's heart are also worth seeing.

  The tea patterns standing high on the eaves, the thousand-year-old tea totem stone bricks in the ancient village, and the tea leaves placed or dried in every household in the town are the most realistic living environment and state of the local residents, which can be realized slowly if you stay here. Speaking of living, there are several inns with original style in Wengji Ancient Walled City; because of the application for heritage, this place is well protected and must maintain the original condition even if it is renovated.

  Every year, from November to February, is the highest frequency of the sea of clouds in the Jingmai mountain period; other times, the sea of clouds is random and depends on the altitude, climate, and other conditions are suitable.

  Live in the inn, you can get up earlier, on the small terrace or the highest point of the ancient fortress, waiting for the sea of clouds and beautiful scenery. And when the clouds condensed into the sea at that moment, perhaps also to the door to the fairyland open time.

  In Jingmai, you will see the beauty of the sea of clouds in various ways, from sunrise to midday. As the sunlight reddens the sky, the sea of clouds is tinted gold or red; as the sun rises, the clouds turn to a thick or light white colour. As the sun rises, the sea of clouds will change to a broader or more golden-white colour. The wider white colour resembles the rolling waves of the sea, while the lighter white colour resembles the swirling of light smoke; when the sea of clouds disperses in the air at midday, the tea forests in the baptized villages will reveal their true colours. ◆ Tiffany